Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 1 Muddiest Point

After completing Assignment 1, I do not understand the difference between the blog and the blog feed.  What does one URL do that the other doesn’t?


  1. So, if you're using Firefox, you can use both links. The link for your blog just takes a person to the home page of your blog. The link for the feed, however, allows the person clicking it to subscribe to the feed, which means that they have an icon in the bookmark bar which, when they click on it, will show links for all of the posts you've made, and they can then click on a single post to view it. Does that make sense??

  2. However, people can also "follow" you, which means your posts will show up in their Blogger Dashboard, or people could add your blog to something like Google Reader, which will update anytime you add a new post. But if you use Firefox and like having the "Live Bookmark", you use the 2nd link for the feed.

  3. Okay, I think I kind of figured that out, about clicking the link for the feed to subscribe to it--but I am using Google Reader to manage all of these. (I'm not sure that's the best thing to be doing, but it's what I figured out on my own.) So the feed URL we were supposed to provide was merely to make it convenient for us to subscribe to all these blogs? I find this all very confusing. But thank you for commenting and trying to un-muddy me!
